Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where is everyone?

I know! Everyone is on vacation or hibernating until Spring. Can't say that I blame you one bit!!! I just popped in to report on my weigh-in.. I didn't report last week, because I had a gain of 1.5 pounds. I was also menstruating, and I've read that you shouldn't even weigh yourself when on your period because with water weight gain and puffiness, it won't be accurate. So, I didn't post. Then, when I weighed myself yesterday, I had lost 2.5 pounds! So, I am at a total now of 8.5 pounds lost. I'm excited! Only 1.5 pounds to go and I can say I've lost 10 pounds!! Then, it's just a little bit til 15, then 20, oh, yes - this is getting quite thrilling!! I just have to stare down that last 24 ounces!!

So, how is everyone else doing???

I have some sad news to share; one of my friends lost her son on Friday last week. He was only 30 years old. If you wouldn't mind sending some positive thoughts and prayers her way, that would be wonderful! Her name is Jan, and her son's name is/was Spencer. Thanks everyone!

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